
A beer for the Americans and the little blond one!

I am always happy if my status as a foreigner in Germany permits me to ask stupid questions.

My Own German and hiw German friends are having the time of their life with an American documentary questioning why the German Oktoberfeste takes place in September.

I'm blond if it comes to the answer on the question. I have no clue. So, I try to explain them that the question really is not that stupid. More laughing. But no answer. It makes me wondering why this is so hilarious. Looks as if Germans and their friends don't know themselves.

We're in October now. And the Oktoberfeste are over. Except the ones in America. They continue stubborn organising their Oktoberfeste in October. Giving the Germans a laugh. While the foreigners in Germany understand the logics.

Especially me. Still waiting for that good-looking German man in lederhosen. No better place and time than Oktoberfeste in October.

So, dear Mr.-German-reading-this, is there any good reason for not re-organising the Oktoberfeste now? In October? Just for us? The blond foreigner and the Americans?


Anonymous said...

It's because of the weather, until the 19th century the Oktoberfest (btw without -e at the end) was celebrated
in mid-october, but then the Wiesn got bigger and bigger and the city "elders" put it in the end of september, because the weather is overall warmer and less rainy then.

Anonymous said...

Das heute bekannte große Münchener Oktoberfest blickt mittlerweile auf eine fast 200jährige Geschichte zurück. Es fand erstmals am 17. Oktober 1810 statt. Anlässlich ihrer Hochzeit am 12. Oktober 1810 veranstalteten Kronprinz Ludwig und Prinzessin Therese auf einer Wiese vor den Stadtmauern Münchens ein großes Pferderennen. Seitdem heißt das Gelände Theresienwiese, woher die mundartliche Bezeichnung Wiesn für das Oktoberfest stammt.

Gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts entwickelte sich das Oktoberfest immer mehr zu dem Volksfest, das heute in aller Welt bekannt ist. Es wurde zeitlich verlängert und in den oft noch sehr schönen, warmen September vorverlegt. Seitdem fällt nur das letzte Wiesnwochenende in den Oktober.