
Blog Action Day - Don't let the wind mills trouble your view!

One of the things My Own German and I don't agree upon is the modern wind mill. The wind turbine.

Germany has the largest number of wind farms in the world. Drive on the German highway, and you're surrounded by futuristic white mills. Turning their wheels in the wind.

I always relax. By seeing them. They remember me of lazy chairs in the South of France. A fresh breeze of air playing with your hair. Bringing some freshness in a warm and lazy day. White wind mills on the background. Playing their wheels.

I look at them with admiration. The story of clean energy in a modern, stylish dress. A story of how natural elements will keep on carrying our future. Wind energy used in the 1st century AC. And still there. Still turning.

But Germans seem not to agree. At least, My Own German doesn't. To him, the futuristic wind mills disturbs the landscape. Disturb the view on Germany's nature. On green. White futuristic skelets.
Bizar, no? How the use of natural elements can disturb our nature?

Germans, don't mind the view. What I have seen and learned from your green culture is astonishing.
Recycling. Solar energy. Wind Parks.
You're a culture that understands better than whomever that the world is there to last. Even when we don't.

Teach us. Teach it to all of us. And don't let the wind mills disturb your view.


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