
Happy Birthday to all my friends!

Talking about cultural differences, there's another one I discovered! And I just love it!

Germans never forget birthdays.

Where I come from it's "normal" to forget birthdays. And I suppose I'm pretty normal.
My own birthday is still doable. I can remember that one.
My parents get their birthday wished in the evening. Or the very next day.
My sis -fortunately- lives abroad. No need to wish her "happy birthday" untill the next visit to the country.
And my friends... ai, my friends... I just can't remember it. Or way to late.
But they know I'm "normal". And so are they.

Germans never forget birthdays.

Jihaaa! My own German has daily phone calls to make. To other Germans. On their birthday. He's an amazing database of birth dates. And congratulations.

I can't wait untill my birthday. Having new German friends who all remember my birthday. I'll get SMS. And e-mail. Digital birtday cards. Maybe even flowers. A whole day long.

So, I have been deciding to be German. At least, when it comes to birthdays.
Dear friends - I will not forget your birthday anymore.
Well... I'll try to. Oke?


Anonymous said...

I'll keep you to this!! By this, I mean the last part of your Birthday blog :o)

Anonymous said...

Alice, now I know which present I have to buy you for New Year: a real birthday calender - I will already fill in my birthday!
Sexy mum ;-))