
The world through my eyes. Funny and akward.

My Own German and I are a weekend in my hometown. And suddenly it's My Own German pointing out the funny and strange behaviour of my culture. And I can't get what is funny about it.

"Look at them", he whispers. "They all drink. Beer."
I look at him. Puzzled.
I mean, if there is anyone who can not find it strange that people drink beer, he must be German?! No?
"It's 11.30", he whispers again.
"Ja!?" , I still look puzzled.
"Can't you see this? All of them are drinking! In the morning!"
"It's lunch time", I try to explain.
"Yes!" he says. "Did you ever see Germans drinking beer at lunch? "
"Eeeeeuh..." I think I did. I really don't know.
But to me drinking beer at lunch is perfectly normal.

In the same bar a foreign couple looks curious into my hometown dish.
They giggle. I try to see what they see. What's so akward. And funny.

And I understand for the first time that the way I look at Germany is "my way". As no one else can do it. Cause I look at the culture with my own little habits. And they are akward. And funny. For others at least.

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